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Mostly A’s

Ouch – your bra should be a pleasure to wear. Not a pain. Your band is a little too big and we’ll need to make a minor adjustment in the cup too; but I can help you with that.

Mostly B’s

Your cup is a size or two (or three) too small. It’s a super common mistake and I promise you’ll feel, and see, the benefits of a properly fitting bra as soon as you slip one on.

Mostly C’s

Congratulations – your bra fits perfectly! Pop by the William Street boutique and indulge your lingerie desires with the most exciting & elegant collections.

Whether you discovered your bra is close to perfect or far from ideal…

Pop by the William Street boutique for a complimentary bra fitting

…and let’s give you the support and silhouette you truly deserve.

It’s quick & easy, and you’re in great hands. Every piece of lingerie and swimwear you try at Odyssey will be expertly fitted to ensure you’re always wearing the right size and most flattering shape.

As promised I’m going to send you a £15-off Welcome Voucher; some extra tips on lingerie fitting, plus my weekly email of indulgent inspiration.

I look forward to meeting you at the boutique soon.
